I’m in love! When I first layed eyes on him about two weeks ago, it felt like time stood still and the only thing that mattered was this moment and him and me. I was walking with a friend and had to stop mid-sentence – my head was blank in awe. It was a perfect moment!
He’s quite a bit older, tall and perfect! I wanted to see him the next day, but my schedule didn’t allow it until yesterday. That wasn’t easy! I waited to mention that news here until I could show a picture as well. It will never do him justice, but I couldn’t not share the picture with everyone!
So, as you see, I’m in love with a tree :-). He’s a maple-foliated sycamore tree that must be a few hundred years. You would need at least three people to hug him. There is so much I still can learn from that tree and from all the others. My first lesson: patience 😉