ivy wall

after putting up a wall not so long ago, I decided that one of my inner walls should be cork. Even though technically the cork grew before and then I bought it, but I see it as a first step to growing a wall.

The cork – compared to the clay – was a rather easy job. First I tried out some cork tiles that were already used once and still had glue and plaster residue on them and on top were lacerated on some of the edges. To say the least, I wasn’t really happy with that.

used cork tiles

But soon after putting up just a few of them as a test, I found someone selling new cork tiles for a good price from a sharing platform. The amount he sold was just right for the part of the wall I wanted to cover. Definitely a great gift.

cork tiles

So after getting rid of the used ones, it was a job of maybe 2 hours for that part of the wall to be finished. Just put the special cork glue on the wall and evenly press the tiles on it. Done!

cork tiles on wall

cork wall

So why did I call that the first step of growing a wall? – Well, I also started another experiment: I planted some ivy along one of the outer walls and hopefully in a few years the not-so-pretty wall of the container will be hidden by a wall of ivy. So this is how it looks now:

young ivy

And that’s how I hope it’ll look in a few years time:

ivy wall

What experiments have you done with building or growing natural walls or delimiters? I’d love to hear your stories!

I’m … growing … a wall
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2 thoughts on “I’m … growing … a wall

  • 19. October 2015 at 07:43

    Efeu ist echt super. Da kannst du die Blätter dann sogar statt Waschpulver verwenden 🙂

    • 19. October 2015 at 19:51

      ja. darauf hoffe ich. Aber ich befürchte, dass er dort evtl. doch ein bisschen zu wenig Sonne bekommt :-(. muss ich vielleicht ein zweites Experiment woanders starten.


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